Spring break is over L, school is now!!!!!
This week we have been started Division
in math.
Division is the opposite of
Multiplication. The answer of a division question is a quotient(quo-tent). Each
group/sets have to be equal. You have to split the number in equal parts.
Language Arts
In language arts we are re-learning to visualize certain texts like
poems and short texts out of small story. One of the poems looks like this…..
And the finished art looks like this………
Wasn’t it beautiful!!
This week in science have been exploring gears!J
Gears look like this……
When you put one on top of the two gears, you get an idler.
There is going to be a surprise with these materials.
We just got our 2nd book report sheets!!!!!
We all have to do it about a non-fiction book
Remember to bring in reusable or recycable, containers or objects.
(if you are in the young writers conference remember to hand in your
form with you parent or gardians name on it !!!!!)
Today is the talent show !!!
There is going to be grate acts.
Such as :
Dancing – hip hop
Magic shows-amazing tricks
Singing – let it go!(the song)
Jokes – stand up comedy
If your child is in it you should of gone and saw them, at 1:10
Some of the grade 4 students even participated in the talent show.
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