
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Dear Parents

            Here is what the students are learning about in grade 4. 
We have finished up the long division unit in math.  Even though we are not working on it directly in math class, it is important for them to continue practicing the steps for long division.  There are some sheets attached to help the students practice.
We have started a new unit in fractions.  Fractions can get confusing and many students get frustrated with this unit.  Please work on identifying fractions, saying fractions properly, and being aware of when fractions are used in daily life.  There are a few worksheets attached to help students practice their fractions.

            Students are working on building movable devices.  They are using their knowledge and understanding from our last unit (Simple Machines) to create moving devices from recycled materials.  The students have different challenges that they must meet.  When they have met the challenge requirements, they move onto the next challenge. 
*Students are encouraged to take initiative to explore more about building devices that move on the Internet and through books found in the library. 
Social Studies
            The students continue to learn about “How Alberta was formed”.  They have looked at the First Nations Culture, the Fur Trade, and will be moving onto Early Settlement after the long weekend.  Students participated in a game called “The Newcomers Game” that was led by our Aboriginal team leaders.  They were also able to taste some traditional First Nations bread called Bannock that was brought in from a parent.

Language Arts
            The students continue to work on their reading strategies during independent reading, which is helping develop their comprehension skills.  The Calgary Public Library came into the school to speak about their Summer Reading Program. It is a free program that helps encourage kids to read throughout the summer.  Check out the Public Library website or visit the nearest on to you to get more information.  This program is free. 
            Students have begun learning about story writing.  We have focused on the beginning of stories and how stories start.  After the book report presentations, we will be focusing more on story writing.

Web links

Social Studies
Language Arts

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Mr. Koch (
Ms. Robb (

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