
Monday, 1 June 2015

This week we went to the Calgary Zoo.

We walked around the zoo looking at animals.

We went to a program called Green And Gorgeous
they showed all the parts of the plants .

This week we did a fraction math test.
We divided shapes equally.
                                                                                    We did a art project, we drew bugs out of shapes.


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Dear Parents

            Here is what the students are learning about in grade 4. 
We have finished up the long division unit in math.  Even though we are not working on it directly in math class, it is important for them to continue practicing the steps for long division.  There are some sheets attached to help the students practice.
We have started a new unit in fractions.  Fractions can get confusing and many students get frustrated with this unit.  Please work on identifying fractions, saying fractions properly, and being aware of when fractions are used in daily life.  There are a few worksheets attached to help students practice their fractions.

            Students are working on building movable devices.  They are using their knowledge and understanding from our last unit (Simple Machines) to create moving devices from recycled materials.  The students have different challenges that they must meet.  When they have met the challenge requirements, they move onto the next challenge. 
*Students are encouraged to take initiative to explore more about building devices that move on the Internet and through books found in the library. 
Social Studies
            The students continue to learn about “How Alberta was formed”.  They have looked at the First Nations Culture, the Fur Trade, and will be moving onto Early Settlement after the long weekend.  Students participated in a game called “The Newcomers Game” that was led by our Aboriginal team leaders.  They were also able to taste some traditional First Nations bread called Bannock that was brought in from a parent.

Language Arts
            The students continue to work on their reading strategies during independent reading, which is helping develop their comprehension skills.  The Calgary Public Library came into the school to speak about their Summer Reading Program. It is a free program that helps encourage kids to read throughout the summer.  Check out the Public Library website or visit the nearest on to you to get more information.  This program is free. 
            Students have begun learning about story writing.  We have focused on the beginning of stories and how stories start.  After the book report presentations, we will be focusing more on story writing.

Web links

Social Studies
Language Arts

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Mr. Koch (
Ms. Robb (

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Social Studies

April 22nd, 2015
Dear Parents

Here is some information students can read about to help prepare them for the new unit in social studies.

Before our visit to Fort Calgary please read:

In the fall of 1875 the North West Mounted Police built a small wooden fort at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers, and laid the foundation for the city that became Calgary. They came to bring law and order to the west, to stamp out the whiskey trade, and to befriend the First Nations peoples in preparation for the treaties that would open the land for settlement. The hopes, dreams and values of that time are still evident in the city we enjoy today.

Check out the website for more information

First People’s of Canada
Historical Overview
Canada's First Nations have been in the country we now call Canada for at least 12,000 years, perhaps much longer.

For almost all that time, they survived very well in a harsh environment, making everything they needed without polluting the water, or air, and without destroying the land or decimating the animal populations.

Each First Nation had self-government and recognized the sovereignty of other First Nations. They all developed unique systems of government, and complex material cultures (tools, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc.)

Most First Nations of Canada lived mainly from hunting and fishing. They migrated seasonally to get food. They did not wander aimlessly.

They moved their camps from season to season to specific places and areas where they knew there would be food. In one season, they would hunt large animals; in another they would fish; in the fall they would gather berries, and so on.

The only farming people were the Iroquois and Hurons, and related tribes, in what is now southern Ontario.

For more information visit

Did you know?
·      *    Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is a high cliff in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. For thousands of years, natives killed herds of buffalo by driving them off the cliff and then collected their carcasses below. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
·      *    Alberta is nicknamed the Princess Province because it was named after a daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria, Princess Louise Caroline Alberta.
For more information about Alberta

Friday, 10 April 2015

By Lora and Bea

Spring break is over L, school is now!!!!!
This week we have been started Division in math.
Division is the opposite of Multiplication. The answer of a division question is a quotient(quo-tent). Each group/sets have to be equal. You have to split the number in equal parts.

Language Arts

In language arts we are re-learning to visualize certain texts like poems and short texts out of small story. One of the poems looks like this…..

And the finished art looks like this………

Wasn’t it beautiful!!


This week in science have been exploring gears!J
Gears look like this……

When you put one on top of the two gears, you get an idler.

There is going to be a surprise with these materials.


We just got our 2nd book report sheets!!!!!
We all have to do it about a non-fiction book

Remember to bring in reusable or recycable, containers or objects.

(if you are in the young writers conference remember to hand in your form with you parent or gardians name on it !!!!!) 

Today is the talent show !!!
There is going to be grate acts.

Such as :
Dancing – hip hop

Magic shows-amazing tricks

Singing – let it go!(the song)

Jokes – stand up comedy

If your child is in it you should of gone and saw them, at 1:10 today!!!!!JJ

Some of the grade 4 students even participated in the talent show.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Supplies Needed!

Parents and Guardians,

In our upcoming Building Devices That Move unit in science, we will be using our knowledge of simple machines to plan and create a variety of machines.  These projects will be designed and built in-class.

Students will be creating their machines using common household materials.  If you are able to donate any of the following items, please send them with your child to class.

Shoe Boxes
Cereal Boxes
Milk Jug Lids
Pop/Water Bottle Lids
Popsicle Sticks
2L Pop Bottles
2L Milk Cartons

Thank you for your support, we look forward to sharing your student’s designs and creations with you soon!

March 12: By Isaac and Kayla

Welcome to are grade four blog

This week we started are social studies projects.

We also had a math test last week.

 We are also learning  about pullys  in science.

We also hade a library presentation about are new library cards.

March 19: By Sarah and Emma

HI parents and guardians

On Monday we went to see National Geographic fire, ice & water.

We got are new library cards! Please go to Calgary public library to sign in your card.

We are doing a social studies project  . Today
 WE are presenting them to the class.

We have no school Friday.

We have finished   James and the giant   peach the book.

We made 3 leaf   clovers.